Kairouan - mosque
After three hours of driving and a coffee break we finally arrived at the last stop on the tour, which was the holy city Kairouan, where we had to visit their mosque. Unfortunately we were not able to get inside, since it was time for pray, so we had to settle for a walk around in the rain.
They pray five times a day. The first pray is in the morning and starts one and a half hour before sunrise, it means that it takes place at 5.30 am right now. The second prayer is at 12.30 pm, the third time is 15.45 pm, the fourth is 18.15 pm and the fifth and last is 19.45 pm. Often the prayer have to be in the mosque, but if you are unable to attend or is very sick, it is acceptable to pray at home or at work at the time.
We have found a few pictures of the mosque seen from the inside.