Douz - Camel ride

In the afternoon it was time for one of the highlights of the trip, the camel ride, which we really had looked forward to.
When we arrived at "Douz" we were "dressed up" with both dress and scarf as they traditionally wear here. We looked so gorgeous and we were so ready for one hour and fifteen minutes with the beautiful animals.
We got the chance to ride all four together, Pernille, her parents and me (Katrine) where the camels were tied together. The fact that they were tied together was a bit of a challenge, because the camels continued to bite each other. But it was a nice and quiet walk around the Sahara and a great way to enjoy the nature. The man who led the camels was very kind and to took pictures for us, as it was not easy both to hold on to the camel and manage our cameras ourselves.
The only minus was the local people who drove around on scooters and in cars around all the camels. They are of course, like everyone else in this country, curious of which new girls has arrived. One of the local rode beside us on his horse and tried to get our attention, but he was very friendly and when we told that we were not interested and just wanted to enjoy the ride, he left us alone.
1 hour and 15 min. was a very appropriate length of the trip. We relaxed and enjoyed ourselves a lot, but in the end, we had seen what was there for us to see.
This camel ride is not included in the price and we therefore had to pay 37 DT extra. However, this includes, the clothes that you borrow and the camel ride, as well as the ride where you drive around in a jeep in the Sahara, which we did the next day. We are so happy that we paid the extra money and we certainly do not think it was expensive for the experiences we got.