Now we have seen football in Tunis! Two of the guys were sweet to bring us, when they were going to see Club Africain (No. 1) vs. Club Sportif Sfaxien (No.3) last Sunday. The match ended 1-1, where both goals were scored in the first half, so the match was not so exciting, but both teams had some chances in the second half, but never more than that. Because of the revolution in Tunisia, it is only allowed for the home fans to be at the match. It means there only were fans from Club Africain.
Like every football match in Denmark, there were happy and noisy fans, cheering at their team. They had drums and sang impact songs before and during the game. However it was a shame that there were no fans from the visiting team, because you missed their cheering, when Club Sportif Sfaxien scored – the stadium was just completely quiet. The missing fans also meant, that half of the stadium was empty as only Club Africains fans were allowed to be in one end.
In addition to the many happy fans, there was also a significant attendance by the police. They stood in two big groups between the pitch and the stands. They were ready with helmets, shields and batons, if any fans decided to run toward the field. The significant attendance by the police was as a protection for the visiting team. But there were no fights and people walked out nice and slowly after the game finished. We thought all the fans was going to run towards the field, when the game was finished, but as mentioned nothing happen.
During the match some fans lit their lights in front of us, while they were jumping and dancing up and down the grandstand. A couple of them fell out over the lights, but it only lead to a few pushes back and forth when the other stopped them.
Besides the missing fans from the away team, it was a nice trip and match, and we definitely have to watch football, when we come home, so we can hear a lot of fans shouting at each other while we drink the traditional bier, which is a part of watching football.